Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
Improve your lab efficiency with our LIMS software
We offer labs by helping them taken intelligent actions to improve the efficiency, productivity, safety and cost-effectiveness of their lab operations with LIMS Software. We designed one of the best LIMS software in India. We provide free download version for trail period for pathology lab management system, laboratory management software and diagnosis management system.
What is LIMS:
LIMS is Laboratory information management system/ pathology lab management system that provides end to end solutions for all diagnostic laboratories, pathology laboratories. We provide pathology laboratory software free down load, clinical laboratory software free download, lab management software free download and LIMS software free download on trail basis. LIMS software India for pathology lab management, laboratory management provides custom order management, inventory management.
1. Laboratory information management system for customer order management:
Generate customer orders
- Manage order's project and task information
- Monitoring project/test workflow's progress status and generate order result reports
- Generate order billing invoice and sample testing result for each project
Generate order resource allocation report (include order, project, workflow, lab reagents using amount, instruments and man power usage)
2. Customer samples and sample inventory management by Laboratory information management system:
- Tracking samples by sample ID and barcode
- Track samples from the time they enter the lab, to the time they are completed and disposed. Generate a Chain of Custody (COC) report.
- Sample instant information management
- Sample inventory plate and location information management and sample destroy schedule management
3. Laboratory execution by Laboratory information management system:
- Manage and analyze workflow testing results with accurate range with Laboratory management system.
- Define a group of sample batches and manage the workflow batch information.
- Manage workflow activities history records.
- Lab management system work flow define approved process by e-signature.
- Assign work to and approved by, transfer the workflow information to Electronic Data Exchange format (export to PDF or Excel format).
4. Lab inventory management:
- Lab supply & reagent inventory management, reagents expiration date alerts.
- Lab supply and reagents purchase order and payment schedule management.
- Automatic decrease the reagents quantity after each project/order done.
- Laboratory material vendor's information management
5. Laboratory customer management:
- Customer information management.
- Customer testing result analysis and management.
- Customer billing and sample inventory control.
- Send email to customer for testing results and invoice
6. Login/Accession:
Setup different users login level Users can login by user name and password with different access of this LIMS software.
7. Laboratory administration:
- Company and employee information management, includes employee training records attachment file for check up and employee workload reports.
- Dashboards view all your performance indicators on main administration page; keeps track of equipment's maintenance, shelf life and other sensitive item alerts.
- Generate company accounting receivable and payable schedule information list forms for you to review the cash flow.
- Generate batch and project due today reminder for lab operating process